What we’re reading this week
In our home, we love reading and telling stories. These are a few of the books we’re enjoying this week.
1. Snow by Roy McKie & P.D. Eastman
This book is a cute way to introduce a child to snow (which is very rare in the San Francisco Bay Area). From snowball fights and skiing to fort building and snowman making. It’s perfect for enjoying with a cup of hot cocoa or while wrapped up in a warm blanket.
2. Amelia Bedelia Hits the Trail by Herman Parish
Amelia Bedelia and her school friends discover more than they expect to, in this funny story about the great (and not so great) outdoors.
3. Claude at the Circus by Alex T. Smith
Claude and Sir Bobblysock’s adventures continue in the second title in this adorable series. When Mr. and Mrs. Shinyshoes leave for the day, our two heroes take a walk in the park. They get caught up among a group of joggers, have an ice cream, and take a nap in the flowerbed. But when a woman calls for help, they find themselves rescuing a runaway baby buggy with the baby still inside! After their daring success, they are invited by The Amazing Alan to come see his circus. When the performers struggle with their acts, Claude and Sir Bobblysock must save the show.
4. Nothing by John Agee
Otis has an antique shop crammed to the gills with stuff. So he’s delighted when someone comes in and buys it all. Next day, Suzie Gump arrives, the shop is empty, full of nothing, and Suzy loves it-and takes it all. Suzie has set a trend, and soon everybody is craving nothing-the stores are full of it. It’s only when there’s not even a towel for drying off after a bath that Suzie realizes she may have gone a bit too far.